Wallpapers quickly and easily change the look and theme of your house.
Wallpaper is highly customizable and is incredibly affordable as well.
wallpaper can add character and make a space feel elegant and put together.
Our wallpapers are manufactured with non-toxic materials that are odorless
and easy to take care of with the bonus of being mold-proof!
They are straightforward to install and do not leave any paper residue when you want to remove them!
Peel and stick wallpaper allows you to design your wall while it doesn’t leave any residue on the walls when removed,
can be applied to any flat surfaces such as old wallpaper, painted walls or ceilings, marble, tile, or even in the bathroom.
Water Adhesive Wallpaper is Wallpaper that can be pasted only with water.
The paste is in a dried form, so you must soak the paste in water before it can become sticky.
INFEEL sheet is a self-adhesive wallpaper, a wallpaper that has its adhesive pre-applied on its back during production.
INFEEL has many textures that looks like real materials such as wood, stone, and marble.
Furniture Laminate
INFEEL Interior Sheet can also be used to cover your home interiors,
such as doors, cabinets, kitchen tops, wardrobes, and many more.
This is a before-after using INFEEL Sheet as a kitchen cabinet laminate
before, it looks dirty and old and with only INFEEL Sheet it can be transformed into a brand new kitchen cabinet.
These 3D Wall Panels are an excellent substitute for wallpaper and are highly durable.
They turn around the look and feel of your space entirely by transforming your otherwise regular-looking wall into an accent wall.
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